Curriculum that DIDN’T Work For Us (Preschool)

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting! Sigh. Just writing the title of this post annoys me. I bought these perfectly nice pieces of curriculum […] Read more…

Lethal Legacy {Book Review}

 I love it when I find a mystery with intrigue, suspense and all the good things that go into a good suspense novel, without all the things that are so prevalent in mainstream novels.    And when it includes a little romance buy a REAL MAN?   Count me in! Previously, I had reviewed the first two […] Read more…

{CLOSED – Blogoversary 2012} Smart Sweets E-book Giveaway (or other KS e-book of your choice) — Ends 8/15/12

Last week, I had a fabulous time visiting family in my hometown and I also managed to spend a little time hanging out with Katie of Kitchen Stewardship.   We’ve known each other since Kindergarten and our birthday’s are a day apart.   Mine is today and always falls right during blogoversary week.   Katie was such […] Read more…

Top 10 – July 2012

  Wow!   Last month was a record month–double what it was this time last year!   I’m so grateful to my top referrers last month for helping to make it possible: Facebook Pinterest Kingdom First Mom Catholic Bloggers Network Twitter Passionate and Creative Homemaking Cajun Joie de Vie Homemakers Challenge Modern Alternative Mama Equipping Catholic […] Read more…

Curriculum 2012-2013: Kindergarten

This is the third attempt at homeschooling but since she is more than ready to handle all aspects of Kindergarten work, we are actually putting in the time and doing the work. Bible Each morning we read our devotion for the day from Blessings Every Day: 365 Simple Devotions for the Very Young and read […] Read more…

Pope’s Prayer Intentions {August 2012}

General Intention: That prisoners may be treated with justice and respect for their human dignity Missionary Intention: Youth Witness to Christ. That young people, called to follow Christ, may be willing to proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Read more…

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