Thank Him {31 Days of Serving Your Spouse}

I’ve been looking forward to this all year! Today I’m joining The Nester’s 31 Days series with 31 Days to Serving Your Spouse. Today, I’m starting with one that will appeal to men whose love language is words of affirmation. Isn’t that most of them? Your Mission:   Sincerely thank your husband for something he does. […] Read more…

Prayer Intentions {October 2012}

General Intention: New Evangelization. That the New Evangelization may progress in the oldest Christian countries. Missionary Intention: World Mission Day. That the celebration of World Mission Day may result in a renewed commitment to evangelization. Read more…

The Best Way to Clean Hardwood Floors

Cleaning floors well takes time.  There is no way around it.   I actually timed it once.   You know how it broke down? 5 minutes – move chairs/stools/high chairs out, toys out, shoes & garbage outside 7 min – sweep floors 15 min – mop 3 min – put chairs/stools back Thirty minutes.  My kitchen & […] Read more…

Completely Forgot {Get Healthy & Fit}

  I have to say that I didn’t do fabulous last week, but I did eat a ton of salads.   I have been busy getting ready to go out of town and COMPLETELY forgot to check the scale this morning.  I could do it now, but it would be completely worthless and probably show a […] Read more…

Proverbs Prayers {Book Review}

I’ve been a on-again, off-again reader of the bible.  I have a tendency to just read the day’s liturgical readings rather than sitting down and reading it like a book.   I have a one-year catholic bible and occasionally I will sit down and read the Proverbs. Unfortunately, pulling my bible out with it’s delicate pages […] Read more…

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