Week 8 {Get Fit & Healthy}

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting!   Last week was exhausting; my 2 year old is teething and so is a little grumpy and […] Read more…

Prayer Intentions {November 2012}

General Intention: Ministers of the Gospel. That bishops, priests, and all ministers of the Gospel may bear the courageous witness of fidelity to the crucified and risen Lord. Missionary Intention: Pilgrim Church. That the pilgrim Church on earth may shine as a light to the nations. Read more…

Enternal Encouragement – #Allume Sponsor

I had the most fabulous time at Allume this weekend and I’m so grateful that Lorrie Flem at Enternal Encouragement Magazine helped sponsor my trip!    Last week, I shared my review of part of her newest audio series, The Power (and Peace!) of a Positive Attitude. Just a few days ago, I got word that […] Read more…

Week 7 {Get Fit & Healthy}

  Wow, was last week a whirlwind!   I was at the Allume conference (formerly Relevent) and so last week, I was pretty much in the conference or in a car!   Some good progress on the goals, though, and I’ve been eating MUCH less sugar than normal.   Exercise Like I said earlier, I spent all […] Read more…

Talk {31 Days of Serving Your Spouse}

Yeah, guys aren’t really talkers, per se.  I will say, though, that there are probably a fair number of ladies who used to spend their dating years having deep, intimate conversations with their future spouses until all hours of the night.    Next time the opportunity presents itself, give him the gift of your time and […] Read more…

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