Creating Contentment {Gabby Moms}

This month as part of the Gabby Mom’s review program, Lorrie shared a webinar that she gave in January titled Creating Contentment. It was about an hour long talk about why contentment is important and providing a biblical basis for it.   She also shared 14 ways to create contentment in your life.  I agreed with […] Read more…

First Trimester Update – Baby #3

Well, I had hoped to share a recipe with you all today, but alas, I never did make it recently and I don’t have photos to share. Who wants a recipe without photos? Anyway, I decided that since I hadn’t written anything just because, in a long time, I would do that and write an […] Read more…

Lent 2013

  Every year, I find Lent here and myself falling short.   And it hasn’t even started yet.   Even so, with the arrival of Lent is the increased call to prayer, fasting and alms-giving.   Here are my tentative plans, though God usually has something else in mind that I don’t get until well into Lent :). […] Read more…

5 Days to a Clutter Free House {Book Review}

I usually try not to have two book reviews back to back, but since I spaced out on the last one, and this one was already scheduled for this week, I couldn’t get around it. I was recently sent a copy of 5 Days to a Clutter-Free House: Quick, Easy Ways to Clear Up Your […] Read more…

Valentine’s Day Menu’s for Kids

Some of you may have noticed my post about tablescaping on a budget had a picture of my Valentine’s Day table from last year.    While we aren’t big on celebrating Valentine’s Day per se, my girls do like to make Valentine’s for grandparents they don’t often see and we will be sending a care package […] Read more…

Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska {Book Review}

I hate it when I completely flake out and miss a deadline.  I was supposed to post about this book 4 days ago.   It’s not like I hadn’t read it, I just didn’t write & schedule the post.   Arg.   Anyway, last month, I received a copy of Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska.   I’ve […] Read more…

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