Busy Summer Baby Gear

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting! *** This article originally appeared in the Summer 2012 issue of Traverse Bay Family Magazine.  It is reprinted […] Read more…

{ENDED} Natural Mothering e-book Bundle – on sale NOW through 6/17!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for your support!!   I’m normally not a huge promoter of e-books or sales in general, but this is another one of those “too-good-to-miss” sales, that I had to share with you.  Just like the last ones, I’m buying the Natural Mothering Bundle myself, so I’m not telling […] Read more…

Novenas for the Church Year {Book Review}

Several months ago, The Catholic Company sent me a copy of Novenas for the Church Year to review.   At one point our parish priest was sharing upcoming novenas and PrayMoreNovenas.com had some of the major novenas as well, but I wanted to be able to plan ahead a little and pick some favorites so I […] Read more…

May 2013 Baby Boxes

Since I have pretty much everything I NEED for our new baby, I haven’t really done any shopping. On the flip side, I feel like every baby deserves a little something new…it’s just one of my things :). That being said, I decided to start (or restart) some of the monthly box programs that I […] Read more…

What to do with your Strawberry Harvest?

My favorite fruit of all time has to be a strawberry.  I could literally eat them all summer long.  And I DO.   Here are some of my favorite uses for the strawberry harvest.   And please, if you would like to pin a recipe, pin the original post, not this post — thanks! Recipes This strawberry […] Read more…

Birth Plan & Birth Kit {Prepping for Baby}

Whether you give birth in the hospital or at home, it’s a good idea to be prepared for the type if birth you would like. Keep in mind though, that the unexpected DOES happen and sometimes you will end up with the birth situation that you never dreamed or wanted. And that’s okay–especially if you […] Read more…

Pope’s Intentions {June 2013}

The Pope’s general intention is: “That a culture of dialogue, listening, and mutual respect may prevail among peoples.” His missionary intention is: “That where secularization is strongest, Christian communities may effectively promote a new evangelization.” Read more…

What To Do With Your Raspberry Harvest

I love summer!   Not only do I like the warmer weather, but even the apples are pretty icky by this time of year.  I love making fresh fruit salad and having super fresh-seasonal produce.  First up (in summer, anyway) are raspberries.  Here are some of my favorite ways to use up the raspberry harvest! As […] Read more…

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