3 (More) Steps to Manage Data Overload

Last week, I shared about 4 ways to eliminate extra data from your life. Here are four ways that may or may not work for you to lessen your data overload. 1. Stop couponing. You heard me. Just quit. In my neck of the woods, the only way to get even close to the deals […] Read more…

Angels For Kids {Book Review}

Disclaimer: This book was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support! Earlier this summer, I had requested a few books from Paraclete Press.  One of the titles they had suggested was Angels for Kids.  And it wasn’t printed yet so I totally […] Read more…

Everyday Confetti {Book Review}

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links–thanks for your support! I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned it before, but every month, I plan a family day. I’m not real good at the everyday fun, so at least once a month, […] Read more…

Saint of the Year 2014

Every year, I have (been?) selected a patron saint from Jen’s random saint generator.  In previous years, I made it kind of a private thing.  This year I’d like to have a family saint.  This way, we can all learn about him, pray for his intercession & celebrate his feast day. Family Patron Saint 2014 […] Read more…

January Devotion – Month of the Holy Name of Jesus

 *** This post originally appeared in January 2010 and has been modified to include additional information for the month. *** January is dedicated to the Month of the Holy Name of Jesus in the Catholic liturgical year.   As such, the month is dedicated to reminding us of the power of Jesus’ name. Prayers There are […] Read more…

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