Menu Plan Monday #17

Oh what to do, what to do.   Had I realized that this was the 4th of July weekend, I might have played out my menu for the BBQ today better. Breakfasts Strawberry-Banana Smoothie Pineapple Zucchini Bread Cold Cereal w/Bananas Pineapple Zucchini Bread Cold Cereal Waffles & Sausage Eggs & LO Sausage, OJ Lunch Chili Dogs […] Read more…

From Today’s Reading…

I was in church today and I this caught my ear from the second reading (2 Corinthians 8:15): As it is written: He that had much, had nothing over; and he that had little, had no want. In other words, God gives us all what we need and what he wants us to have…no more, […] Read more…

Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp for Two

Photo by ilovemypit Now I realize that “for two” might not work for everyone but i’m sure it would scale well for making Just Enough.    I used two 3-1/2″ ramekins to make these and had them stuffed full.    Because it was so hot out, I used our toaster oven and it worked perfectly!   Yeah for […] Read more…

Quick Tip – Baking

photo by greenmelinda This quick frugal tip:   Save the wrappers from your butter and use them to grease the pans when you are making cakes or breads.   Not only do you get every last possible bit of butter out of the package but your hands stay clean(ish)! This post is linked to Frugal Fridays @ […] Read more…

7 Quick Takes #15

1. I feel like a million bucks! It’s amazing what a haircut, some new clothes, and cooking fresh, in-season produce can do! 2. I love strawberry season. And zucchini. And rhubarb. And broccoli. And and and :). 3. My pineapple zucchini bread smells fab! I’m drooling as I sit here. 4. I thank God for […] Read more…

Small Successes #7

My small successes seem very selfish this week, but as Jen said, this isn’t a season to grit your teeth and get through, it’s a season to LIVE through. I got my hair cut.  Very stylish and short.    Cool for summer and unable to put in a ponytail.   It’s the first hair cut I’ve gotten […] Read more…

An epiphany

photo by Editor B I’ve been struggling with keeping my counters and other surfaces clutter free for quite a long time.    They seem to have their own gravitational pull!   They were clean in early-May and until yesterday, they were a disaster again.    I “cleaned” yesterday and put the bread maker away and got rid of […] Read more…

What’s On Your Nightstand? – June 09

It’s time for another edition of What’s On Your Nightstand at 5 Minutes for Books.    As you might have read last week, I’ve been requesting books like crazy from reviewers and I ordered some and I have a “request from library queue” in Shelfari as well.   I read a ton of books this month, but […] Read more…

GratiTuesday #3

I have had so many great things happen this week… * Bones was having work done on the office building and had to take the afternoon off. What a terrible thing to happen on a day that was 85 degrees and sunny ;). * I got my hair cut & feel like a foxy mama […] Read more…

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