WFMW – Extra Buns

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting! ‘Tis the season for BBQ and I always seem to have extra buns.  We never make 8 hamburgers […] Read more…

Menu Plan Monday #19

Menu Plan Tuesday just doesn’t have the same ring, but I’m a little late.   I didn’t get it done Sunday due to the Rav dying and we played and cleaned yesterday.    One nap doesn’t leave much time for blogging! But I digress.   Our plan for the week: Breakfast Blueberry Pancakes x2 Cold Cereal x2 Breakfast […] Read more…

What’s on Your Nightstand? – July 09

Well, I had a TON of books in my “to read” pile, but didn’t get near as many read as I had hoped.     Last month, my goal was to read these books.    Yeah, not so much. I did get these read that I hadn’t planned on: All-New Square Foot Gardening Simplify Your Life Houseworks The […] Read more…

Book Review – Dressing with Dignity

Dressing with Dignity by Colleen Hammond is a short and easy read filled with information on modesty from a myriad of sources.   Well written, it contains many footnotes and quotes many church documents, popes and other church doctors, such as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.   At the end, she also has a small section […] Read more…

WFMW – Keeping a Manageable Schedule

I recently finished a book that is MOSTLY not very relevent for my life right now but had a few great tips that I want to share (and remember :D). The biggest, which isn’t as big a deal now that I’ve simplified quite a bit, is to limit days out of the house.    No more […] Read more…

Menu Plan Monday #18

Well, yesterday kind of pushed back my plans so i think I have a workable meal plan for this week. Breakfasts- Banana Bread (x2) Cold cereal (x2) Breakfast Burrito Lunches LO Polish Sausage Sandwich (x2) LO Corned Beef Sandwich Egg Salad Sandwich Mac & Cheese Dinners C0rned Beef (x2) Appetizer Dinner (fruit, summer sausage, crackers, […] Read more…

WFMW – Cleaning the Microwave

There is nothing worse than having an explosion of something in your microwave, especially after you’ve let it fester and harden and bake on for another month or two.   Yeah, been there, done that. Even the baked bean explosion of 2009 is no match for this quick and easy way to clean the microwave. Fill […] Read more…

Book Review – My Monastary is My Minivan

My Monastary is a Minivan: Where the Daily is Divine and Routine Becomes Prayer is a collection of essays on the topic of mothering written written by Denise Roy, who is the mother of 5.   The essays, covering a myriad of topics, are written in a conversational tone that many contemporary mothers could identify with. […] Read more…

No Spend Month Challenge & AY Grocery Challenge

Ughh.    I didn’t do nearly as well as I’d liked.    I don’t think I’m going to be able to continue this challenge.   July is just a really bad time.   It’s the month of the year where we do most of our “entertaining” and it’s finally starting to feel like summer.   There have been a lot […] Read more…

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