WFMW – Brain Freeze

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting! One of my favorite things about being pregnant is that my food stickler husband allows me a little […] Read more…

7 Quick Takes #18

–1– It’s been a while since I participated in Seven Quick Takes but I just felt drawn to it today…Lots of things that aren’t enough for a full post.   I think I’m closing in on the end of the first trimester.   Not that it means much.  This pregnancy has been so subtle that if I […] Read more…

Month in Review – Wow! Crazy Growth!

I’m so thankful for all of you who have come to visit my site in the last two months.   Since August, my traffic has nearly tripled and I even have people following me via RSS now.    In case you missed them, my most visited posts in the last 30 days (not necessarily written in the […] Read more…

October – Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions

General: That Sunday may be lived as the day on which Christians gather to celebrate the risen Lord, participating in the Eucharist. Mission: That the entire People of God, to whom Christ entrusted the mandate to go and preach the Gospel to every creature, may eagerly assume their own missionary responsibility and consider it the […] Read more…

Menu Plan Monday #24

Phew!  I almost didn’t make it today.   Planning meals that hit all food groups for the Bradley Pregnancy Diet is TOUGH! I don’t have a detailed spreadsheet this week because, frankly, I’m lucky I finished the meal plan at all.   Life would sure be hard without a plan, though. For breakfast (with OJ), don’t ask […] Read more…

Book Review – Amish Peace

Amish Peace, written by Suzanne Woods Fisher, was spawned by an interest in her grandfather’s life.   This is a fabulous book about many of the major tenants of Amish culture including simplicity, time and community. This isn’t normally the type of book that I would read, but when I was asked if I was […] Read more…

Homemade Flour Tortillas

I had never made homemade flour tortillas until this week and they are sooooooo much better than store bought that I may never buy them again.   Ever.  For any reason!    They were easy too (which should go without saying, right?).   And the biggest reason?  They cost about $0.50 for 8!   Far cry from $2-6 […] Read more…

Read-Aloud Thursday – Sing-Song Books!

I love participating in Read Aloud Thursday when I find books that DD likes.   She (we?) is very picky about what she likes.   Any old books just will not do. She LOVES sing along books, though. SKIP TO MY LOU –    This little gem was inherited from some friends and has tickled the fancy […] Read more…

Fall Traditions

We don’t have many traditions since Lil’ Bit is only 1-1/2 years old, but it’s important to me that we have some. Here they are, quick takes style: Photo by Ingorrr. 1. Cider & sour cream donuts. Does anyone have a good recipe for these? photo by ruralgold. 2. Visit heritage apple farm. We are […] Read more…

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