7 Quick Takes #20

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting! 1. I got a phone call that my keys were turned in a few hours after I posted […] Read more…

Read-Aloud Thursday- Waldo

It’s only SORT OF a read-aloud buy my daughter is in love!   With who?   Waldo!!!   Yes, the books that were such a craze when i was in elementary school/jr high that I was never able to get my hands on one. I found the original (above) at a used book sale a few years back.  […] Read more…

WFMW – Frugal Pizza Sauce

I had a heck of a time trying to think of a post for this week and it just came to me on Sunday while cooking dinner. I save money on pizza sauce by using spaghetti sauce instead.   Making my own is NOT cheaper (unless I were to GROW my own stuff).   My favorite pizza […] Read more…

Tackle-It Tuesday – Mt. Laundry

Yes, I actually had to conquer Mt. Laundry this weekend.   I have been super busy helping Bones get his new business off the ground.   Between our personal emergency last week and moving his office into the home our routine has been all screwed up and while I DID laundry.  It was NOT put away. BEFORE: […] Read more…

7 Quick Takes #19

1. I didn’t make a huge announcement that I was pregnant, so I’m not going to make a huge announcement that I am no longer pregnant.   We had a miscarriage last week.   And if that wasn’t crappy enough, I lost my keys while in the ER AND a book that I was reading so that […] Read more…

Book Review – The Art of Disappearing

Ivy weaves an elaborate tail of magic, serendipity, time travel (sort of) and love.   Mel Snow is a fabric consultant on a job in Vegas when she meets Toby in a dirty roadside bar.   Toby is a true magician and due to some interesting turns of events, they end up married within a few days.   […] Read more…

Pro-Life Tidbits

Sigh…I completely fell asleep on the pro-life front this year.     If you aren’t aware of it, 40 Days for Life has already started and the Life Chain has come and gone.    Mark your calendars for next September and I will try to be more on top of it next year. I also got an […] Read more…

Easy Savings!

I’ve tried the normal coupon route and it just doesn’t work for me. It requires a lot of time and organization and my local paper stinks and the nearest metro one quit having the good coupon fliers in it.   I don’t completely write off coupons & discounts, though, I just look for EASY ones. My […] Read more…

The Office

No, this isn’t about the tv show.   Don’t I wish!   Nope, this is about taming the office monster.  Soon after we found out we were pregnant, we decided that Bones would move his business/office to our home to reduce costs.   I don’t remember mentioning it, but my office was the project that I worked on […] Read more…

Blog Tour – O2 by Richard Dahlstrom

From the publisher: Your physical body needs oxygen in order to survive. Inhale, exhale … one leads naturally to the other. Inhale too long and you feel as if your lungs will burst. Exhale too long and you get light-headed. The same rhythm is essential in the life of faith. You inhale life-giving strength from […] Read more…

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