Catholic Prayer for Busy Moms – Prayer Routine

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting!Photo by babasteve Traditionally, the Church has divided the hours of the day into the Canonical Hours used by […] Read more…

30 Day Giving Challenge – Week 3

Well, I wish I had done better this week.   I was almost going to skip writing this post and hoping no one would notice because I couldn’t think of a single thing I had done.   Then I remembered two. First, I gave one of my awesome prizes to my sister-in-law when they were visiting with […] Read more…

Martha Stewart Crafts House Party

I was super excited to be one of 1000 people selected to throw a House Party for Martha Stewart Crafts.  If you are not familiar with the concept, essentially a business who wants to get their product in the hands of groups of users (who will in turn spread valuable word of mouth), will throw […] Read more…

Chocolate Heath Cookies w/White Chocolate Chips

I had a hankering for some cookies today and so I decided to build on an old favorite.   I used a triple chocolate cookie recipe as my base and added some leftovers from my pantry.    They were FABULOUS! Preheat oven to 375.   In a small bowl, combine: 2 1/4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 […] Read more…

Book Review – Simple Acts of Moving Forward

I am a very practical, give me the next thing to do, check stuff off my list kind of gal.  When I read a self-help or productivity type book, I want a book that gives me something to do, not just describes how I should be doing things.  Simple Acts of Moving Forward: 60 Suggestions […] Read more…

Homeschool Post Swap Received

I was part of The Homeschool Post’s Sept/Oct swap and I got my package from the lovely Amanda late last week.   It was WONDERFUL! She sent everything pictured above: For me – a notebook and planner in Hot Chocolate from CarolinaPad (I have been wanting these!), a pumpkin candle (mmmm…pumpkin), turquoise yarn (I LOVE the […] Read more…

Vacation Rentals

Have you ever used a vacation rental?   While we were in the Keys, EVERYONE had or knew someone whose home was a vacation rental.   We even thought about putting our home up as a vacation rental while we were down there.   It was furnished and empty — why not? In the last couple of months, […] Read more…

Recipe – Pumpkin Bars & Cream Cheese Frosting

Photo from BHG. I’ve decided to stop posting to Menu Plan Monday’s because frankly those posts are boring and this isn’t a food planning blog where I link to tons of good recipes.   I’m going to use this slot to put some OTHER cooking related stuff.   Like this awesome recipe I found last week for […] Read more…

30 Day Giving Challenge Update

Well, I’m pretty sure that I didn’t do something concrete each day this week though I definitely TRIED to keep it at the front of my mind. This week, I made a phone call to a friend (I HATE talking on the phone–a leftover from phone customer service days with ye olde cable co), gave […] Read more…

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