Ribbon Jello

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting! Photo by RVWithTito This is my favorite summer BBQ or Potluck dessert recipe.  Enjoy! Ingredients: 4 small boxes […] Read more…

Check Out My Stumble Account!

I’ve been moving all my starred Google Reader posts to Stumble Upon so I can share all the yummy recipes I find with my friends. Interesting in finding some yummy new recipes?   Check out my Stumble Feed:  http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/HappyLHomemaker/ I also have miscellaneous Catholic articles and homeschool & preschool activities saved there as well. Enjoy! Read more…

Book Review – Scars & Stillettos

Scars and Stilettos is a story about how one woman’s fear of abandonment lead to an abusive and cruel relationship, drowning in debt, controlled by a man who openly sleeps around and finds herself thinking about exotic dancing as a way to survive.   Harmony paints a vivid picture of her early life — a broken […] Read more…

101 in 1001 Update

I meant to post this while I was away on vacation, but well, let’s just say I actually *gasp* enjoyed my vacation! Here was my original 101 in 1001 list at the beginning of Advent (about 6 months ago): Spiritual 1. Do a morning offering daily.  – doing poorly 2. Read the readings daily.   – […] Read more…

HSBA Swap – Apr/May

I love participating in the Homeschool Post Swap!   Thank you to the lovely Tracy for sending me such a great care package.   I got all the great stuff pictured above: scrapbooking goodies Mentos Gum (yummy!) small photo album pad of paper & pen post-it’s HANDMADE cards! and last but not least — the Couponizer!   […] Read more…

June 2010 Prayer Intentions

Respect for Human Life General: That every national and transnational institution may strive to guarantee respect for human life from conception to natural death. The Churches in Asia Missionary: That the Churches in Asia, which constitute a “little flock” among non-Christian populations, may know how to communicate the Gospel and give joyful witness to their […] Read more…

Review – Freschetta Flatbread Pizza

I was lucky enough to be chosen through SocialSpark to take part in sampling Freschetta’s new Flat Bread Pizza.   It’s been awhile since I’ve had a freezer pizza so as a part of the sampling, I tried several varieties of pizza.  I have to say that this new Flat Bread Pizza is the best I […] Read more…

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