The 4th Cup – Part III

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting!   If you missed it, check out Part I & Part II.   So now we go to […] Read more…

The 4th Cup – Part II

  If you missed Part I, check it out here:   So going back to John 6, many protestants use v.32-34 to prove that the eating of Christ is symbolic.   The discourse, however, does not end there.   It goes on to say “49 Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died.” […] Read more…

Book Review – Tomorrow’s Garden

  Has your past left a scar on your heart?   Have you been able to move beyond it?   Harriet Kirk, the main character in Tomorrow’s Garden (Texas Dreams #3), was holding some scars of her own and was convinced that moving to a new community to become a school teacher was the answer.   She […] Read more…

The 4th Cup – Part I

  Today, I heard the most fabulous presentation on the 4th Cup.  It’s just screaming for me to blog about it, even though I’m not sure I can do it justice. The 4th Cup, for those who have never heard of it, refers to the last cup of wine in the Jewish Passover Seder.   It […] Read more…

#Mamavation Monday #14

  This Week (4/18/2011):  160.0 Last Week (4/11/2011):  160.5 Change:    -0.5 lb (5.5 lbs total)   I couldn’t take it anymore.  We are prepping to move and so I’ve been trying to save money and use up all the food we have in our pantry.   Problem is, there isn’t a lot of good food […] Read more…

Like Happy Little Homemaker on FB!

Are you on Facebook?   If so, like Happy Little Homemaker and you will be entered into a drawing to win a special prize pack once we hit 30 followers.  I will be sharing deals, fun articles and other things on my Facebook page that I won’t be posting on my blog. Hope to see you […] Read more…

Prayer of St. Gertrude

  I have been working through the Full of Grace scripture study and came across this prayer that was such a perfect fit for me that I ha to share it. Maybe it will help you, too. Prayer of St. Gertrude O eternal sweetness of my soul, Thou who alone art the Beloved of my […] Read more…

Mind Organization for Moms Winner!

The (confirmed) winner of Mind Organization for Moms is Shirley who said Why I need to be organized-Because I spend my time picking up after 12 people and at work 7 days a week, I do not seam to have time to get organized.   If you didn’t win, you can purchase your copy at […] Read more…

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